




Public callback
callback(...args: any[])

This method allows the gadget to communicate with player scripting. If the appropriate scripting is in place in the currently running template, calling this method will initiate a callback which can be acted upon in player script.

Example :
client.callback('test', 'this');
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
args any[] No

variable number of arguments

Returns : void
Public finish

Indicate to the player that this gadget has finished it's visualization. This allows the player to proceed with the next item in a playlist if applicable.

Returns : void
Public Async getCommandMap

Returns a map of commands currently active for this device.

Returns : Promise<any>

Map of commands currently active for this device.

Public Async getDevice

Returns the device details associated with the player running the gadget or web app.

Device details.

Public Async getDeviceKey

Returns the unique Revel Digital device key associated with the device.

Returns : Promise<string>

Device key

Public Async getDeviceTime
getDeviceTime(date?: Date)

Returns the current device time in ISO8601 format. Current device time is determined by the device timezone assigned to the device in the CMS.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
date Date Yes

Optional. If supplied will translate the supplied date/time to device time based on respective timezones.

Returns : Promise<string>

Date/time in ISO8601 format

Public Async getDeviceTimeZoneID

Returns the timezone ID currently assigned to the device.

Returns : Promise<string>

Timezone ID

Public Async getDeviceTimeZoneName

Returns the timezone name currently assigned to the device.

Returns : Promise<string>

Timezone Name

Public Async getDeviceTimeZoneOffset

Returns the numerical offset from GMT of the timezone currently assigned to the device.

Returns : Promise<number>

Timezone offset

Public Async getDuration

Returns the duration of the currently playing source. (only applicable when associated with a playlist)

Returns : Promise<number | null>

Duration of the current item in milliseconds

Public Async getHeight

Returns the height of the visualization area.

Returns : Promise<number | null>

Height of the visualization area

Public Async getLanguageCode

Returns the language code of the language currently assigned to the device.

Returns : Promise<string>

Language code

Public getPrefs

Accessor method for the user preferences interface exposed by the Gadgets API.

See for more details on the Gadgets API.

Example :
constructor(public client: PlayerClientService) {
           let prefs = client.getPrefs();
           let myString = prefs.getString('myStringPref');
Returns : gadgets.Prefs

Gadget API Prefs object

Public Async getRevelRoot

Returns the root folder utilized by this player device.

Returns : Promise<string>

Path to the root folder

Public Async getSdkVersion

Returns the current SDK version.

Returns : Promise<string>

SDK version

Public Async getWidth

Returns the width of the visualization area.

Returns : Promise<number | null>

Width of the visualization area

Public Async isPreviewMode

Check is the gadget is running in preview mode. Preview mode is enabled when the gadget is being edited in the CMS, or otherwise not running in a normal player environment.

Returns : Promise<boolean>

True if the gadget is running in preview mode, false otherwise.

Public newEventSession
newEventSession(id?: string)

A session is a way of grouping events together. Each event has an associated session ID. Session ID's are randomly generated and reset by subsequent calls to newEventSession().

Each call to track() will utilize the same session ID, until another call to newEventSession().

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
id string Yes

Optional. User supplied session ID. If not supplied a random session ID will be generated.

Returns : void
Public sendCommand
sendCommand(name: string, arg: string)

Send a command to the player device.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Command name

arg string No

Command argument

Returns : void
Public sendRemoteCommand
sendRemoteCommand(deviceKeys: string[], name: string, arg: string)

Send a command to any remote player with the supplied device key(s). Note: Remote commands can only be delivered to devices within the same account as the sender device.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
deviceKeys string[] No

Array of remote device keys

name string No

Command name

arg string No

Command arg

Returns : void
Public timeEvent
timeEvent(eventName: string)

Method for initiating a timed event. Timed events are useful for tracking the duration of an event and must be proceeded with a call to track().

Example :
client.track("test", { "a": "b" });
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
eventName string No

Unique name for this event

Returns : void
Public track
track(eventName: string, properties?: IEventProperties)

Log an event for use with AdHawk analytics. Events are used for tracking various metrics including usage statistics, player condition, state changes, etc.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
eventName string No

Unique name for this event

properties IEventProperties Yes

A map of user defined properties to associate with this event

Returns : void


Public onCommand$
Default value : new Subject<ICommand>()

Commands sent to this player.

Public onReady$
Default value : new BehaviorSubject(false)

Signals the gadget has been loaded and is ready to start.

Public onStart$
Default value : new Subject()

Signals the gadget has been started by the player.

Public onStop$
Default value : new Subject()

Signals the gadgets has been stopped by the player.

import { Injectable, NgZone, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { gadgets } from '@reveldigital/gadget-types';
import { BehaviorSubject, fromEvent, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { map, share, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { ICommand } from './interfaces/command.interface';
import { IDevice } from './interfaces/device.interface';
import { IEventProperties } from './interfaces/event-properties.interface';
import { IClient } from './interfaces/client.interface';
import { version } from './version';

//import { version } from './version.js';

// So that TypeScript doesn't complain, we're going to augment the GLOBAL / WINDOW 
// name-space definition to include the Tracker API. This also provides us with a place
// to actually DOCUMENT the API so that our developers aren't guessing about what's
// available on the library.

/** @ignore */
declare global {
  var Client: IClient;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class PlayerClientService implements OnDestroy {

  /** @ignore */
  private clientPromise: Promise<IClient> | null;

   * Commands sent to this player.
  public onCommand$ = new Subject<ICommand>();
   * Signals the gadget has been loaded and is ready to start.
  public onReady$ = new BehaviorSubject(false);
   * Signals the gadget has been started by the player.
  public onStart$ = new Subject();
   * Signals the gadgets has been stopped by the player.
  public onStop$ = new Subject();

  // Two methods available for calling into the library:
  // 1) Using dispatchEvent() with the following custom events
  // 2) Using the window scoped RevelDigital object as defined in the constructor
  /** @ignore */
  private onStartSub: Subscription;
  /** @ignore */
  private onStartEvt$ = fromEvent(document, 'RevelDigital.Start').pipe(
  /** @ignore */
  private onStopSub: Subscription;
  /** @ignore */
  private onStopEvt$ = fromEvent(document, 'RevelDigital.Stop').pipe(
  /** @ignore */
  private onCommandSub: Subscription;
  /** @ignore */
  private onCommandEvt$ = fromEvent<ICommand>(document, 'RevelDigital.Command').pipe(
    map((e: any) => { return { name:, arg: e.detail.arg } as ICommand }),

  // private onPostMessageSub: Subscription;
  // private onPostMessageEvt$ = fromEvent(window, 'message').pipe(
  //   filter((messageEvent: MessageEvent) =>
  //     messageEvent.source !== window.parent &&
  //     typeof === 'string' &&
  //   map((e: any) => { return JSON.parse(e.substring(13)) as Command }),
  //   share(),
  //   tap(this.onCommand$)
  // );

  /** @ignore */
  constructor(zone: NgZone) {

    let self = this;
    (window as any).RevelDigital = {
      Controller: {
        onCommand: function (name: string, arg: string) {
 => {
            self.onCommand$.next({ name: name, arg: arg });
        onStart: function () {
 => {
        onStop: function () {
 => {

    this.onStartSub = this.onStartEvt$.subscribe(() => { });
    this.onStopSub = this.onStopEvt$.subscribe(() => { });
    this.onCommandSub = this.onCommandEvt$.subscribe(() => { });

    this.clientPromise = null;


  /** @ignore */
  ngOnDestroy(): void {



  /** @ignore */
  public static init(data: any) {

      '%c⚙️ Initializing Revel Digital client library',
      'background-color:blue; color:yellow;'

   * This method allows the gadget to communicate with player scripting.
   * If the appropriate scripting is in place in the currently running template, calling this method
   * will initiate a callback which can be acted upon in player script.
   * @example
   * client.callback('test', 'this');
   * @param args variable number of arguments
  public callback(...args: any[]): void {

    this.getClient().then((client) => {

      switch (args.length) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:

   * Accessor method for the user preferences interface exposed by the Gadgets API.
   * See {@link} for more details on the Gadgets API.
   * @example
   * constructor(public client: PlayerClientService) {
   *            let prefs = client.getPrefs();
   *            let myString = prefs.getString('myStringPref');
   * }
   * @returns {gadgets.Prefs} Gadget API Prefs object
  public getPrefs(): gadgets.Prefs {

    return new window['gadgets']['Prefs']();

   * Returns the current device time in ISO8601 format.
   * Current device time is determined by the device timezone assigned to the device in the CMS.
   * @param date Optional. If supplied will translate the supplied date/time to device time based on respective timezones.
   * @returns Date/time in ISO8601 format
  public async getDeviceTime(date?: Date): Promise<string> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    if (date !== undefined) {
      return client.getDeviceTime(date);
    return client.getDeviceTime();

   * Returns the timezone name currently assigned to the device.
   * @returns Timezone Name
  public async getDeviceTimeZoneName(): Promise<string> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getDeviceTimeZoneName();

   * Returns the timezone ID currently assigned to the device.
   * @returns Timezone ID
  public async getDeviceTimeZoneID(): Promise<string> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getDeviceTimeZoneID();

   * Returns the numerical offset from GMT of the timezone currently assigned to the device.
   * @returns Timezone offset
  public async getDeviceTimeZoneOffset(): Promise<number> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getDeviceTimeZoneOffset();

   * Returns the language code of the language currently assigned to the device.
   * @returns Language code
  public async getLanguageCode(): Promise<string> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getLanguageCode();

   * Returns the unique Revel Digital device key associated with the device.
   * @returns Device key
  public async getDeviceKey(): Promise<string> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getDeviceKey();

   * Send a command to the player device.
   * @param name Command name
   * @param arg Command argument
  public sendCommand(name: string, arg: string): void {

    this.getClient().then((client) => {
      client.sendCommand(name, arg);

   * Send a command to any remote player with the supplied device key(s).
   * Note: Remote commands can only be delivered to devices within the same account as the sender device.
   * @param deviceKeys Array of remote device keys
   * @param name Command name
   * @param arg Command arg
  public sendRemoteCommand(deviceKeys: string[], name: string, arg: string): void {

    this.getClient().then((client) => {
      client.sendRemoteCommand(deviceKeys, name, arg);

   * Log an event for use with AdHawk analytics.
   * Events are used for tracking various metrics including usage statistics, player condition, state changes, etc.
   * @param eventName Unique name for this event
   * @param properties A map of user defined properties to associate with this event
  public track(eventName: string, properties?: IEventProperties): void {

    this.getClient().then((client) => {
      client.track(eventName, JSON.stringify(properties));

   * Method for initiating a timed event.
   * Timed events are useful for tracking the duration of an event and must be proceeded with a call to track().
   * @example
   * client.timeEvent('testEvent');
   * client.track("test", { "a": "b" });
   * @param eventName Unique name for this event
  public timeEvent(eventName: string): void {

    this.getClient().then((client) => {

   * A session is a way of grouping events together. Each event has an associated session ID.
   * Session ID's are randomly generated and reset by subsequent calls to newEventSession().
   * Each call to track() will utilize the same session ID, until another call to newEventSession().
   * @param id Optional. User supplied session ID. If not supplied a random session ID will be generated.
  public newEventSession(id?: string): void {

    this.getClient().then((client) => {
      if (id !== undefined) {
      } else {

   * Returns the root folder utilized by this player device.
   * @returns Path to the root folder
  public async getRevelRoot(): Promise<string> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getRevelRoot();

   * Returns a map of commands currently active for this device.
   * @returns Map of commands currently active for this device.
  public async getCommandMap(): Promise<any> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return JSON.parse(await client.getCommandMap());

   * Indicate to the player that this gadget has finished it's visualization.
   * This allows the player to proceed with the next item in a playlist if applicable.
  public finish(): void {

    this.getClient().then((client) => {


   * Check is the gadget is running in preview mode. Preview mode is enabled when the gadget is
   * being edited in the CMS, or otherwise not running in a normal player environment.
   * @returns True if the gadget is running in preview mode, false otherwise.
  public async isPreviewMode(): Promise<boolean> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client instanceof NoopClient;

 * Returns the device details associated with the player running the gadget or web app.
 * @returns Device details.
  public async getDevice(): Promise<IDevice | null> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    let obj: any = JSON.parse(<string>await client.getDevice());

    const device: IDevice[] = [obj].map((device: any) => {

      return {
        registrationKey: device.key,
        deviceType: device.devicetype,
        enteredService: new Date(device.enteredservice),
        langCode: device.langcode,
        timeZone: device.timezone,
        tags: device.description?.split('\n'),
        location: {
          city: device.location?.city,
          state: device.location?.state,
          country: device.location?.country,
          postalCode: device.location?.postalcode,
          address: device.location?.address,
          latitude: device.location?.latitude,
          longitude: device.location?.longitude
    return device[0];

   * Returns the width of the visualization area.
   * @returns Width of the visualization area
  public async getWidth(): Promise<number | null> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getWidth();

   * Returns the height of the visualization area.
   * @returns Height of the visualization area
  public async getHeight(): Promise<number | null> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getHeight();

   * Returns the duration of the currently playing source.
   * (only applicable when associated with a playlist)
   * @returns Duration of the current item in milliseconds
  public async getDuration(): Promise<number | null> {

    const client = await this.getClient();

    return client.getDuration();

   * Returns the current SDK version.
   * @returns SDK version
  public async getSdkVersion(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(version);

  // ---
  // ---
  /** @ignore */
  private getClient(): Promise<IClient> {

    if (this.clientPromise) {

      return (this.clientPromise);

    if (window.Client) {

      return (this.clientPromise = Promise.resolve(window.Client));

    // A "complete" status indicates that the "load" event has been fired on the
    // window; and, that all sub-resources such as Scripts, Images, and Frames have
    // been loaded.
    if (window.document.readyState === "complete") {

      // If this event has fired AND the 3rd-party script isn't available (see IF-
      // condition BEFORE this one), it means that the 3rd-party script either
      // failed on the network or was BLOCKED by an ad-blocker. As such, we have to
      // fall-back to using a mock API.
      return (this.clientPromise = Promise.resolve(new NoopClient()));

    // ASSERT: If we made it this far, the document has not completed loading (but it
    // may be in an "interactive" state which is when I believe that the Angular app
    // gets bootstrapped). As such, we need bind to the LOAD event to wait for our
    // third-party scripts to load (or fail to load, or be blocked).
    this.clientPromise = new Promise<IClient>(
      (resolve) => {

          function handleWindowLoad() {

            // At this point, the 3rd-party library is either available or
            // it's not - there's no further loading to do. If it's not
            // present on the global scope, we're going to fall-back to using
            // a mock API.
            resolve(window.Client || new NoopClient());


    return (this.clientPromise);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// I provide a mock API for the 3rd-party script. This just allows the consuming code to
// act as though the library is available even if it failed to load (example, it was
// blocked by an ad-blocker).

/** @ignore */
class NoopClient implements IClient {

  constructor() {

      '%cClient API not available, falling back to mock API',
      'background-color:blue; color:yellow;'

  public callback(...args: any[]): void {

    // NOOP implement, nothing to do....

  public getDeviceTime(date?: Date): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(new Date().toISOString());

  public async getDeviceTimeZoneName(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getDeviceTimeZoneID(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getDeviceTimeZoneOffset(): Promise<number> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getLanguageCode(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getDeviceKey(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public sendCommand(name: string, arg: string): void {

    // NOOP implement, nothing to do....

  public sendRemoteCommand(deviceKeys: string[], name: string, arg: string) {

    // NOOP implement, nothing to do....

  public track(eventName: string, properties?: string): void {

    // NOOP implement, nothing to do....

  public timeEvent(eventName: string): void {

    // NOOP implement, nothing to do....

  public newEventSession(id?: string): void {

    // NOOP implement, nothing to do....

  public async getRevelRoot(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getCommandMap(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve('{}');

  public finish(): void {

    // NOOP implement, nothing to do....

  public async getDevice(): Promise<string | null> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getWidth(): Promise<number | null> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getHeight(): Promise<number | null> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getDuration(): Promise<number | null> {

    return Promise.resolve(null);

  public async getSdkVersion(): Promise<string> {

    return Promise.resolve(version);

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